Martyna Šulskutė

Podcast Producer

Martyna is a producer and editor of audio documentaries. Martyna has a master's degree in social anthropology from Vytautas Magnus University. During her studies, she obtained a certificate in intercultural understanding from the University of Southern Illinois and studied social sciences at Lund University through an exchange program.

“When creating audio documentaries, I am most interested in the issues of nature and the environment, religion and ethnicity, and alternative movements. When telling people’s stories, I have several aspirations: to listen, to understand, to discover, and to tell about people in such a way that they can recognize themselves. Because they live in the context of my insights and thoughts, each project becomes a joint work between me and my subject,” says Martyna.

Martyna strives to apply her anthropological knowledge and skills by speaking more slowly and attentively and asking more deeply. "Often, less is more," she says.

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