The Cultural Constellation of Miša Skalskis

©Karolis Pilypas Liutkevičius

Miša Skalskis wears many hats: sound and visual artist, musician, composer, and DJ. Or, as he’s also known, ang3l_sp1der, 96wrld, a member of the band Without Letters, half of the persona of Liudmila Vaišnoraitė, and the creator of the soundtrack for Lithuania’s first 3D film Chirping Soul, which earned him the Sidabrinė Gervė award. In the NARA podcast, Miša talks about all of this—and publicly reflects on his Jewish identity for the first time. The interview is in Lithuanian and the podcast description is in English.

This is the third interview in the series “We Too Are From Vilnius.” Listen by pressing the PLAY button on the NARA player or through the podcast apps listed below:

A diverse array of activities is natural to Miša—he grew up in a cultural constellation. His family tree weaves together Lithuanian, Jewish, Polish, Ukrainian, and Russian roots. After finishing school, he went on to study sound arts at the Institute of Sonology in the Netherlands, later continuing his education at the Sandberg Institute of the Arts. Now, he lives and creates in Helsinki, Finland.

Miša hasn’t lived in Vilnius for nearly ten years, but his influence on the city’s music and art scene is still felt. ©Karolis Pilypas Liutkevičius
Miša hasn’t lived in Vilnius for nearly ten years, but his influence on the city’s music and art scene is still felt. ©Karolis Pilypas Liutkevičius

At fifteen, Miša started performing at electronic music parties in Vilnius and became familiar with the nightlife music scene. From there, his work evolved in many directions, blending daily life with elements of magic and surrealism. His creations, often permeated with anxiety and unease, are always buoyed by naive hope.

“It’s quite funny when I think about it—we went to a Jewish school, had Shabbat where we prayed in Hebrew, and then before bed, we would say prayers in Old Slavic,” he recalls.

©Viktorija Truselevič
©Viktorija Truselevič
Miša Skalskis and the episode producer Adomas Zubė in the studio. ©Viktorija Truselevič
Miša Skalskis and the episode producer Adomas Zubė in the studio. ©Viktorija Truselevič

Eighty years after the liquidation of the Vilnius Ghetto, NARA launched the podcast series “We Too Are From Vilnius,” featuring conversations with young Jewish people in Vilnius exploring their connection to a city scarred by immense loss and a Lithuanian society balancing multiculturalism and nationalism. Listen to previous interviews in the series: with Naomi Koc and Ani Gandžumian.

These episodes were created in collaboration with a team of Vilnius high school students. The episode with Miša Skalskis was co-produced by author Adomas Zubė and students Saulė Gervyliūtė and Viktorija Truselevič.

While producing this series, the conflicts in Israel, Palestine, and Lebanon reached new levels of destruction, affecting both Jewish and Arab communities in Lithuania. This inevitably became a topic of some conversations. We invite you to read and listen to NARA’s publications about the situation in the Middle East in Lithuanian and English.

Miša Skalskis in his hometown of Vilnius, summer 2024. ©Karolis Pilypas Liutkevičius
Miša Skalskis in his hometown of Vilnius, summer 2024. ©Karolis Pilypas Liutkevičius

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The interview with Miša Skalskis was recorded at the sound recording studio of the Martynas Mažvydas National Library, with sound engineer Justina Šimonytė.

The series’ music was composed by Kata Bitowt.

Special thanks to Daniel Hiterer for assistance with the episode.

The project "We Too Are from Vilnius" is partially funded by the Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund by the U.S. Embassy in Lithuania and the Resilience initiative by the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Lithuania. The NARA team maintains full control of the content and journalistic independence.

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